The first volume including collected poems from his sixty years of work. About the author Tr7847n D7841 T7915 was born in H7843i D432417ng, northern Vietnam. In 1954, during the partition of the country, he went to Saigon, where he became a journalist and prominent poet. During 1963, he was jailed by the Ng 272 nh Di7879m government for his dissident views, then imprisoned for 12 years by the Communists
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The first volume including collected poems from his sixty years of work. About the author Tr7847n D7841 T7915 was born in H7843i D432417ng, northern Vietnam. In 1954, during the partition of the country, he went to Saigon, where he became a journalist and prominent poet. During 1963, he was jailed by the Ng 272 nh Di7879m government for his dissident views, then imprisoned for 12 years by the Communists from 1976-1988, after the collapse of South Vietnam. His wife, the famous novelist and poet Nh Ca, the only South Vietnamese female writer among 10 black-listed as cultural guerrillas by the Communist regime, was also imprisoned from 1976-1977. In 1989, a year after Tr7847n D7841 T7915 was released from prison, the couple and their children received political asylum from the Swedish government, but later moved to the US and now live in Southern California. His poetry-most notably the 4,000-line The Stone that Generates Fire H n 272 L m Ra L7917a, was translated by Cuong Nguyen and featured in Writers and Artists in Vietnamese Gulag, eds. Nguy7877n Ng7885c B ch and Ruth Talovich Century Publishing House 1990. The seminal poem T7863ng V7853t T7887 T nh has been translated variously into English as Gifts as Tokens of Love Hu7923nh Sanh Th ng, Love Tokens Linh Dinh, and A Gift of Barbed Wire unknown translator, but used as title of a book by Robert S. McKelvey about America's abandoned allies in South Vietnam, published by University of Washington Press in 2002. Gifts as Tokens of Love, Drinking Song B i H t M7901i R4327907u, and The New Lullaby L7901i Ru M7899i--all from Declaration of Love in the Night--were translated by Hu7923nh Sanh Th ng and appeared in An Anthology of Vietnamese Poems, ed. Hu7923nh Sanh Th ng Yale University Press 1996 and From Both Sides Now, the Poetry of the Vietnam War and its Aftermath, ed. Philip Mahony Scribner 1998
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