pThis volume offers an approach to language and literacy instruction that brings together theoretical concepts of multiliteracies and second language acquisition. This approach is illustrated through examples of innovative teacher-generated action research conducted in Indigenous and English, dual language and immersion classrooms, all situated in the context of language and cultural maintenance and
Specyfikacja produktu
pThis volume offers an approach to language and literacy instruction that brings together theoretical concepts of multiliteracies and second language acquisition. This approach is illustrated through examples of innovative teacher-generated action research conducted in Indigenous and English, dual language and immersion classrooms, all situated in the context of language and cultural maintenance and revitalization. These examples of praxis help to bridge the gap between theory and practice in Indigenous language and literacy teaching. ppThe volume draws on critical theories of praxis and the concept of multiliteracies and multimodalities, with specific attention to the design cycle as a way to conceptualize and engage in praxis through research and pedagogy. The authors trace teacher trajectories relating to language teaching and their positionalities in language revitalization and maintenance efforts by using a participatory teacher action research approach. The final chapter brings together Indigenous and western onto-epistemological and methodological perspectives in a conversation among two western and an Indigenous scholar, who have been working together with the teacher-researchers whose stories are presented in this volume. pp This volume is of interest to scholars, graduate students, educational practitioners and educational leaders interested in multiliteracies, multimodalities, teacher action research, and Indigenous pedagogies.ppppp
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