This book comprises seven business and management cases that demonstrate different company issues and managerial problems in ASEAN countries. The book is useful for college and university lecturers, practitioners and students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As a comprehensive understanding of the business environment is essential, college and university lecturers may use this book as class
Specyfikacja produktu
This book comprises seven business and management cases that demonstrate different company issues and managerial problems in ASEAN countries. The book is useful for college and university lecturers, practitioners and students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. As a comprehensive understanding of the business environment is essential, college and university lecturers may use this book as class materials in guiding the students to learn the practical issues in the industry. Case questions are developed to provide a preliminary understanding of the issues being discussed. On the other hand, practitioners may benefit from understanding the problems and challenges faced by different types of companies. It is hoped that this book will provide practical knowledge to its readers.
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Zapraszamy do regularnego odwiedzania naszej strony, aby być na bieżąco z najnowszymi informacjami i czerpać pełne korzyści z naszej wiedzy. Dzięki nam stanie się to łatwe i przyjemne, a Ty zyskasz nowe umiejętności oraz cenne doświadczenie w dziedzinie 543543.